Българско дружество за защита на птиците

Become a member of BSPB

Membership in the "Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds" (BSPB) expresses your will to become part of Bulgaria's oldest and largest nature protection organization. We work for the protection of endangered wild bird species and their habitats, and we defend public interests and everyone's right to preserve nature and a healthy living environment. By paying membership fees and donating funds, you directly support our work and give your voice to Bulgarian nature.

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Membership Registration Details

Please fill in the fields below to update your details.

To reduce our plastic footprint, we've replaced the issue of plastic membership cards with ones in electronic format. You can choose in which format to receive your membership card by ticking one of the boxes below.
I would like to receive information from the BSPB by email. I agree that BDZP will also provide my data to its subsidiary "BSPB" EOOD (EIK 200665710, with headquarters and management address in the city of Sofia, 1111, Yavorov gh., block 71, entrance 4, floor 1 , app. 1) to process and use them and contact me for informational purposes.
*I hereby declare that I wish to become a member of the BSPB. I am familiar with the goals of the BSPB, I approve of them and I will assist in their achievement. I confirm that, personally or through persons related to me, I do not carry out or support any activity that is incompatible with the goals of the association, nor have I carried out such activity in the past. I undertake to observe the Statute and internal rules of the BSPB and to protect the good name of the association. I undertake to notify the executive director of the BSPB in the event that I plan to engage in an activity that is incompatible with the goals of the association or that may adversely affect its good name.